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Simple Christmas Decor

It is now finally time (perhaps a little past time) to put away Christmas decorations. Although I have sorted and donated mountains of clutter in other areas, we have fortunately not accumulated much Christmas decor. This is owing mostly to always living in a relatively small space, with little storage. Since our current rental is at least two times bigger than previous homes, our decor is even more spaced out, and I love it.     

Our Christmas decor focuses on a winter-themed tablecloth, decorated sideboard, nativity, and The Norfolk Island Pine enthusiastically and lopsidedly decorated by my six-year old daughter 😀. A few little gnomes, a small wreath, and garland complete the indoor decor. Any additional pops of color are splendidly fulfilled by red poinsettias. We also have a few outdoor lights. 

With all this (with the exception of the lights, which come out at Diwali time) held by only one medium-sized plastic bin, I am always relieved that it is not more. In the coming years we may inevitably accumulate ornaments, but my hope is that we can use the one-in-one out rule.

What about you? Do you struggle with letting go of Christmas decor? Is simple Christmas decor an aesthetic you desire, and if so, what would that look like for you?     


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