For anyone just starting out on their decluttering journey, I would be the first to advocate donating. Why? Because selling items online via Ebay or Marketplace, consignment, or garage sale is time consuming and often aggravating ... And the money 'earned' is usually not nearly worth the effort.
If I have learned this in the past, and if this is what I say to others, then why am I being a hypocrite (and perhaps a fool) about it now?
The truth is, I have a bit of a dilemma. I have made a lot of progress on my decluttering journey by donating or recycling a lot of items. And, after I first realized how hard it was to sell things, how little I would get for most of them, and that the money is already gone, donating felt pretty good. But now I am left with half a garage full of items that need to be re-homed. I know that a significant number of items would probably sell, and now I live in a neighborhood where I see people are constantly posting things on the community page. So why not try my hand at selling some of this stuff?
I thought I would just start out selling some of the things to people in the community who can pick them up from my home. No shipping or packaging, safer than meeting random strangers in parks (which I have done, cringe!). I have named this challenge: Operation Clear Garage and Operation Sell Stuff on Marketplace (OCS and OSSM, which sounds like 'awesome'!).
This not only a challenge, but an (uncontrolled) experiment. And unlike experiments I have done in the lab, I don't have to finish this one if I don't want to. If I find the process or dealing with people to be aggravating, I'll stop, and continue with donation as my default for decluttering. But if it works well, I may end up with a nominal amount of cash in my pocket. Either way, items will be cleared from the garage, making it possible to park our second vehicle inside, and possibly make our next move a little easier (I can dream, can't I?). It's a win-win (and maybe even win-win-win).
One thing that gives me hope about OCG and OSSM is how things are different now than when I tried to sell things in the past. There is no sense of urgency. Even when I tried to sell things when we weren't in the stressful situation of moving, it still felt nerve-racking ... because I was drowning in stuff. Now I whatever progress I make is a win, rather than just part of a dauntingly long road ahead.
If you are just beginning your decluttering journey, please don't be discouraged. The purpose of my posting this challenge and rationale for doing it this way is 1) For accountability, as I have struggled to start this project in the past few months and 2) to emphasize that if you are drowning in stuff, donate first. Once you do, you'll be able to not only to breathe, but uncover some items you might try selling. Just don't hold on to things because they 'might' be worth money. Stick to certain categories if needed, donate the rest. I almost guarantee that if you get rid of the fluff, the 'easy' stuff first, the stuff you can sell will reveal itself.
Wish me luck, and happy decluttering!
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A half a garage ready for OCG and OSSM! |
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